Chain Reaction: “Immaculate” Disinflation and the Role of Easing Supply Chains
Improved supply chains, greater labor supply and some labor market cooling have helped to ease inflationary pressures and fuel wage gains
Improved supply chains, greater labor supply and some labor market cooling have helped to ease inflationary pressures and fuel wage gains
CEA Chair Jared Bernstein comments on the July 2023 Consumer Price Index report.
The CEA's analysis of the July '23 Jobs report.
The CEA's analysis of the Advance Estimate of Second Quarter Real GDP.
In this CEA blog post, we explore the LFPR and EPOP—measures of labor supply and demand—after adjusting for demographic changes.
The CEA outlines the economic evidence underpinning the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission’s updated draft of the Merger Guidelines released for public comment.
For families with young children, access to affordable, high-quality early care and education has benefits for children and their parents.
The CEA's analysis of the June '23 Consumer Price Index report.
The CEA's analysis of the June '23 Jobs report.
Demand-side support can complement supply-side investments in clean energy industries, such as the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs program.