Written Materials
Crosswalk Talk: What’s the difference between the PCE and the CPI?
The CEA's analysis of the August '23 Personal Consumption Expenditures report.
Remarks by Chair Jared Bernstein at the Economic Policy Institute | Washington, D.C
CEA Chair Jared Bernstein gives remarks at the Economic Policy Institute’s “What’s Next: Worker-Center Policy in the US and Global Economy” in Washington, D.C.
The August 2023 Consumer Price Index
The CEA's analysis of the August '23 Consumer Price Index report.
Chronic Absenteeism and Disrupted Learning Require an All-Hands-on-Deck Approach
K-12 absenteeism has increased since the onset of COVID-19 and has contributed to falling test scores. Improving engagement is key for student success and the...
The 2022 Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Reports
What to Expect: The 2022 Census Poverty, Income, and Health Insurance Reports
Ahead of the Census Bureau’s release of the 2022 income, poverty, and health insurance report, the CEA outlines expectations and important contextual information.
The Employment Situation in August
The CEA's analysis of the August '23 Jobs report.
Early Signs That Bidenomics is Attracting New Foreign Investment in U.S. Manufacturing
Biden’s IIA agenda may be helping spur foreign investment in U.S. manufacturing construction, expanding the U.S. economy’s production capacity.
New Student Loan Repayment Plan Benefits Borrowers Beyond Lower Monthly Payments
A new student loan repayment plan (SAVE) offers lower monthly payments. This CEA blog highlights another benefit: no more ballooning interest.