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The National Security team advances the President’s agenda by strengthening our long-term global competitiveness and reducing catastrophic risks through the assessment, development, deployment, and governance of current and emerging technologies. To strengthen global competitiveness, the team works to develop long-term science and technology (S&T) strategies, improve S&T intelligence, shape new investments in foundational technologies, modernize national security systems, ensure supply chain security, cultivate an agile innovation base, enhance export and investment controls, and build the world’s best STEM workforce. They also work to reduce catastrophic risks at the intersection of technology and global security, spanning nuclear, biological, cyber, and autonomous technologies, associated risks of war, pandemics, and large-scale disasters, as well as emergent risks in space, ocean, and polar domains.

The National Security team includes the National Quantum Coordination Office (NQCO) which works to accelerate quantum information science and technology research and development in the United States.

The team is led by Steve Welby, OSTP’s Deputy Director for National Security.

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