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As Prepared for Delivery

Welcome to the White House!

Thank you to all the data leaders here today for your work in data fields, and for choosing public service. And thank you to our emerging data leaders: the Presidential Innovation Fellows, the U.S. Digital Corps Fellows, USDSers, and data analysts. Your work is vital to serving the American people.

We are in a data revolution, and you are right in the middle of that. We use data to get our work done and shed light on inequities in our society.

As data leaders, you are also the people who are going to help us figure out how to use AI in responsible ways.

To achieve our goals, we need a diverse data workforce that represents everyone in America, with people who understand the nuances of data about underserved communities.

When we have diverse data leaders, we can make policies that serve every corner of America.

Here’s an example:

In the 90s, there was a shift in welfare benefits. The number of families tapping into Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) benefits was declining. Some people thought those benefits weren’t needed anymore. Dominique dug into and found that assistance wasn’t reaching the people who needed it. She presented her analysis to the Appropriations Committee, and they took action and allocated funds for new programs to reach those who were being left behind.

Without the data, and without leaders like Dominique, thousands of families would never have gotten access to that assistance.

Without quantitative data, we are left only with anecdotes.Qualitative data matters too, but stories are stronger when you have the quantitative data to support them and round out the full picture.

That’s why your work is so important. This work needs to be done by a diverse group of data leaders, so we can make policies that work for everyone.

Today, you’ll have the opportunity to share your perspectives, learn from one another about what works, continue to mentor the next generation of women data leaders, and take a moment to appreciate your critical roles in serving the American people.


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