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Last month, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released a national vision for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM) Equity and Excellence and announced an accompanying slate of historic multisector actions, representing more than $1.2 billion in work, investments, and opportunities, to drive transformative change and eliminate systemic barriers across the American STEMM ecosystem. These commitments, which advance OSTP’s national call for equity and excellence in STEMM, will serve to dramatically expand access and opportunities and bolster America’s global competitiveness.

On the same day, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), with support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF), also launched the STEMM Opportunity Alliance (SOA), a first-of-its-kind national coordinating organization to lead and coordinate this and future cross-sector action to sustain American global leadership by achieving equity across STEMM fields. These sweeping commitments from organizations across sectors have earned enthusiastic praise from leaders in higher education, industry, research, philanthropy, nonprofit, journalism, and government.

See below for what they’re saying:

U.S. Representative from Texas Eddie Bernice Johnson; Former Chairwoman, House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology:

“It is past time to create a STEM workforce that represents the rich diversity of our nation. President Biden recently signed the CHIPS and Science Act into law. I was proud to help lead this effort in the House. CHIPS and Science is the result of more tana decade of work on solving inequities in STEM education and research. The bill contains provisions that will break down barriers and create opportunities in STEM for all. It will advance a government wide approach to make sure federally funded research environments foster a safe workplace, and it will empower HBCUs and MSIs to reach their full potential in STEM. These are promising policies that we can always do more.” [Remarks, 12/12/22]

April Arnzen, Chief People Officer, Micron:

“The Micron Foundation remains committed to doing our part to make #STEMMForAll a reality. As a sign of our ongoing support at the White House Summit on STEMM Equity and Excellence I was proud to announce the Micron Foundation’s $5 million investment to support STEMM educators.”[LinkedIn, 12/12/22]

Natasha Smith-Walker, Executive Director, Project Exploration:

“As both extensive research and personal testimony makes clear, today’s science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine ecosystem is inequitable by nearly every measure, shutting out and diverting away too many talented individuals, closing off opportunities for discovery and innovation, and limiting our national potential. The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to eliminating systemic barriers to participation in STEMM and ensuring that all of the American public can contribute to and benefit from science and technology.” [LinkedIn, 12/12/22]

Ron Ottinger, Executive Director, and Melissa Moritz, Director of Policy, STEM Next Opportunity Fund:

“STEM Next was thrilled to participate in the launch of the new STEM Opportunity Alliance and we look forward to supporting this new collective impact effort in whatever way we can. We loved that out-of-school learning was so prominent in the launch event and in the goals of the initiative.” [Blog post, 12/19/22]

C. Cybele Raver, Provost, Vanderbilt University:

“We are so honored to join this landmark effort. Creating greater opportunity for Americans from underrepresented groups and who are missing from the STEMM workforce is essential for a thriving U.S. economy. Universities are key to that effort. That’s why Vanderbilt currently has more than $62 million in federal grants and $4.6 million in our own investments aimed at increasing diversity and equity in STEMM. I’m in agreement with the White House’s National Economic Council Director Brian Deese, who noted today that innovation is a team sport, and we can’t win with so many players on the bench.” [Statement, 12/13/22]

Ali Hartman, Head of Tiger Global Impact Ventures:

“We are so incredibly proud that Tiger Global Impact Ventures’ commitment to Gender Equity in Tech is being included in this effort. We are thrilled to be in the company of so many outstanding partners. And we are ready to get to work. Together, we can—and we will—solve this problem. And when we do…our communities, our companies, and our country will be better for it.” [LinkedIn, 12/12/22]

Brittany H. Brady, Chief Executive Officer, National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity:

“I was so grateful to be in the room with change agents, leaders, and innovators for the launch of the #STEMMforALL initiative. I was grateful to hear the stories shared and inspired to hear so many grappling with the science of belonging. Systemic change happens with intention and I am proud to say, the intention was felt! I was especially glad to hear the acknowledgment of the many intersections that exist within STEMM. It will take all of us collaborating to bring this vision to fruition. The learners of our country deserve our very best! I am so excited for Howard Hughes Medical Institute to participate in this important effort. [LinkedIn, 12/12/22]

Linda Armstrong, President, Novartis Foundation:

“I was proud to represent Novartis at the White House Summit for STEMM equity and excellence. We must create opportunities for tomorrow’s #STEMM professionals and build systems inclusive to all—America’s competitiveness depends on it.” [LinkedIn, 12/12/22]

Adam Fagen, Director of Communications, Association of Science and Technology Centers:

“The science center and museum community is deeply imbedded in this work, including a long-standing commitment to supporting lifelong learning and increasing understanding of and engagement with science and technology among all people. In addition, our community is working toward an equitable and just world by engaging and amplifying the expertise of diverse groups to solve scientific and societal challenges; this commitment to equity and justice includes—but is not limited to—community science, which helps ensure that science truly is for and by all.” [Blog post, 12/12/22]

Zach Oxendine, Service Engineer, Microsoft:

“For me, real success has always been about what can I do with what I have been given, but it is so important not act as if you have the all the answers or the perfect solutions to sell. Instead, really value the input of others, and collaborate with the understanding that you can learn as much as you can provide. I continue to build on my work for community colleges, indigenous and rural communities, cyber security and really build bridges so that every person feels empowered to participate in STEM and thereby make the work we do, work for all. That’s exactly what we’re trying to do with today’s launch of the STEMM Opportunity Alliance, and I am fired up to see how we can build on the momentum.” [Remarks, 12/12/22]

Jan Morrison, Founder and CEO, Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM:

“I am honored to be in attendance at the Summit around the announcement of the STEMM Opportunity Alliance. At the same time, I feel the weight of this awesome need. We talk much about our issues and those constraints that hold so many back from a fabulous STEM life and career. Time is NOW to walk a new path and be honest about what works and why. We need to pledge our energy and smarts to our most marginalized students in all geographies and communities. No more pledges without action and no more tons of programs without knowing what works.” [LinkedIn, 12/12/22]

Jayshree Seth, Chief Science Advocate, 3M:

“Proud to support the call to make equity a national priority. If we want our STEMM workforce to represent what America looks like, we need to essentially double representation of women, double Black, triple Hispanic and quadruple participation of Native Americans.” [LinkedIn, 12/12/22]


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