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OSTP’s National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Releases Opportunities and Actions for Ocean Science and Technology (2022-2028) Report

Today, The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy’s NSTC Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology (SOST) released a new report Opportunities and Actions for Ocean Science and Technology (2022-2028). This report aims to help decision makers better incorporate the Federal Government’s key priority topics into ocean science and technology (S&T) decision making and implementation.

“Because I believe that all Americans should have opportunities to participate in the excitement of ocean science and to benefit from ocean information, I’m delighted that the team has described concrete pathways to build a diverse and inclusive blue work force and to enhance racial justice and equity,” said OSTP Deputy Director for Climate and Environment Dr. Jane Lubchenco. “Implementing this vision will strengthen evidence-based decision-making about climate change, biodiversity loss, and growing a sustainable ocean economy.”

Specifically, the new report contextualizes the existing SOST Science and Technology for America’s Oceans: A Decadal Vision (2018-2028) which outlined five key goals to advance ocean science and technology (S&T): (1) Understand the ocean in the earth system, (2) Promote economic prosperity, (3) Ensure maritime security, (4) Safeguard human health, and (5) Develop resilient coastal communities. The new report connects these five goals to the cross-cutting themes of climate change, resilient ocean science and technology infrastructure, and a diverse and inclusive blue workforce, all of which center racial justice and equity.

More on Opportunities and Actions for Ocean Science and Technology:

As a maritime Nation, the United States relies heavily on healthy and resilient ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems. Published in 2018, Science and Technology for America’s Oceans: A Decadal Vision identified pressing research needs and areas of opportunity within the Ocean S&T enterprise for the decade 2018-2028. Each of the goals identified relies on, and contributes to, three cross-cutting themes: (1) Climate Change, (2) Resilient Ocean S&T Infrastructure, and (3) a Diverse and Inclusive Blue Workforce.

The new report updates the priorities identified in the 2018 Decadal Vision and describes opportunities to advance equity across the full the Ocean S&T enterprise. This document also presents six immediate opportunities for ocean solutions and collaborative efforts:

  1. Facilitate offshore wind energy development;
  2. Coordinate coastal resilience efforts;
  3. Conserve and protect critical ecosystems through America the Beautiful, a nationwide effort to conserve at least 30% of U.S. land and ocean by 2030;
  4. Explore blue carbon adaptation and resilience implementation;
  5. Support the National Ocean Mapping, Exploration, and Characterization plan; and
  6. Engage in the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.

By focusing on these immediate opportunities, the United States will be better poised to leverage ocean science and technology to combat the climate crisis, build modernized and resilient ocean S&T infrastructure, and ensure the ocean S&T community empowers a diverse and inclusive blue workforce, all while enhancing racial justice and equity.

For more information about the SOST please visit the U.S. Interagency Ocean Science and Technology Policy and Management page at:


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