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Today, four dozen Federal scientists met in response to President Biden’s call to action to restore scientific integrity across the Federal government. This government-wide Scientific Integrity Task Force, convened by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, is ushering in a new era that seeks to repair and strengthen the confidence of the American people in the work of government. 

The session opened with remarks from White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Deputy Directors Dr. Alondra Nelson and Dr. Jane Lubchenco

Dr. Nelson thanked the Task Force members for their service and for the energy and effort that they will bring to the work of strengthening scientific integrity. She underscored that, as the Biden-Harris Administration continues its work to return to evidence-based policymaking, the work of scientific integrity is truly government-wide and that today’s convening was a first step in ensuring the Federal government is more accountable to the American people.

Dr. Lubchenco joined Dr. Nelson in expressing gratitude to the Federal scientists for their contributions to this effort and noted that robust science is important for the strength of our nation, the health of our communities, and to ensure the trust of the public.

Following introductions, Task Force members discussed the 120-day action items requested by President Biden, including an agency-wide review of scientific integrity across the Federal government, and an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current Federal scientific integrity policies, as well as descriptions of best practices and lessons learned. 

Task Force members also discussed proposed working groups to pursue scientific integrity practices in the areas of scientific research and communication. The working groups will review lapses of scientific integrity and ways to remedy them. It will also create avenues for external engagement, including a virtual stakeholders’ summit and a request for information.

Task Force members expressed enthusiasm for the important work of restoring scientific integrity and an optimism for this whole-of-government partnership to affect real change for better policymaking moving forward. 

The Task Force will meet again in two weeks.


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