This is historical material “frozen in time”. The website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work.

OMB has published a notice of the existence and character in the Federal Register of the following systems of records:

OMB Human Capital System of Records, OMB/PERSL/02, 89 FR 77194

OMB Private Relief Legislation, OMB/LEGIS/01, 89 FR 77192

  • Modified Private Relief Legislation, OMB/LEGIS/01, 65 FR 16975 (Modified)

OMB Public Input System of Records, OMB/INPUT/01, 88 FR 20913.

OMB Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Requests System of Records, OMB/FOIAPA/01, 88 FR 77365.

Staff Parking Application File, OMB/ADSER/02, 65 FR 16975 (Rescinded by OMB Notice, 89 FR 77197).

There are additional government-wide systems of records, where one agency has regulatory authority over records in the custody of multiple agencies, potentially including OMB. A list of government-wide system of records notices is available at the website of the Federal Privacy Council,

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