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President Biden from day one has been committed to upholding our Nation’s sacred obligation to properly prepare and equip those we send in harm’s way, and ensuring our military has the resources it needs to meet 21st century challenges. The President’s FY23 Budget reflects that commitment by making one of the largest investments in national security in U.S. history. This will support continued security assistance to Ukraine, bolster our cybersecurity, and strengthen our military by ensuring we have the resources necessary to sustain deter­rence and backstop our diplomacy, as well as fight and win the Nation’s wars if necessary. The Budget also renews our commitment to sustainable and inclusive development.

Importantly, the Budget will make these critical investments while cutting the deficit by more than $1 trillion over the next decade and ensuring that no one earning less than $400,000 a year will pay an additional penny in new taxes.

Confronting 21st Century Threats

The Budget invests in deepening and modernizing our alliances and partnerships, as we are stron­ger in managing challenges—whether in the form of China’s trade abuses, Russian aggression, or the worsening climate crisis—when we work in concert with those who share our values or in­terests. The investments will:

  • Support United States’ European Allies and Partners. The Budget includes $6.9 billion for the European Deterrence Initiative, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and countering Russian aggression to support Ukraine, the United States’ strong partnerships with NATO allies, and other European partner states. This funding will enhance the capabilities and readiness of U.S. Forces, NATO allies, and regional partners in the face of Russian aggression. In addition, the Budget provides $682 million for Ukraine, an increase of $219 million above the 2021 enacted level, to counter Russian malign influence and to meet emerging needs related to security, energy, cybersecurity issues, disinforma­tion, macroeconomic stabilization, and civil soci­ety resilience.
  • Promote Integrated Deterrence in the Indo-Pacific and Globally. The Budget pro­poses $773 billion for the Department of Defense (DOD). To sustain and strengthen deterrence, the Budget prioritizes China as the Department’s pacing challenge. The 2023 Pacific Deterrence Initiative highlights some of the key investments that DOD is making that are focused on strength­ening deterrence in the Indo-Pacific region. Also, DOD is building the concepts, capabilities, and posture necessary to meet these challenges, work­ing in concert with the interagency and America’s allies and partners to ensure that deterrence is integrated across domains, theaters, and the spectrum of conflict.
  • Defends Freedom Globally. To support American leadership in defending democracy, freedom, and security worldwide, the Budget in­cludes nearly $1.8 billion to support a free and open, connected, secure, and resilient Indo- Pacific Region and the Indo-Pacific Strategy, and $400 million for the Countering the People’s Republic of China Malign Influence Fund.
  • Supports Democracy Globally. In response to political fragility and increasing authoritari­anism around the world, the Budget provides more than $3.2 billion to support global democ­racy, human rights, anti-corruption, and gover­nance programming, consistent with the commit­ments made during the President’s Summit for Democracy. The Budget advances the Presidential Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Persons around the World, the U.S. Strategy on Countering Corruption, and the Presidential Initiative on Democratic Renewal.

  • Modernizes the Nuclear Deterrent. The Budget maintains a strong, credible nuclear de­terrent, as a foundational aspect of integrated de­terrence, for the security of the Nation and U.S. allies and partners. The Budget supports the U.S. nuclear tri­ad and the necessary ongoing nuclear moderniza­tion programs, to include the nuclear command, control, and communication networks.

Marshalling American Leadership to Tackle Global Challenges

During what will be a decisive decade, the President’s Budget leverages America’s renewed strength at home to meet pressing global challenges. This includes investments that will:

  • Renew America’s Leadership in International Institutions. The Budget continues the Administration’s efforts to lead through international organizations by meet­ing the Nation’s commitments to fully fund U.S. contributions and to pay United Nations peace­keeping dues on time and in full. The Budget also provides $1.4 billion for the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA). This investment restores the United States’ his­torical role as the largest World Bank donor to support the development of low- and middle-income countries, which benefits the American people by increasing global stability, mitigating climate and health risks, and developing new markets for U.S exports. The U.S. contribution would also support the United States’ $3.5 billion pledge to the next IDA replenishment, a critical component of the global response to the devastat­ing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on devel­oping countries.
  • Advance American Leadership in Global Health, Including Global Health Security and Pandemic Preparedness. The Budget includes $10.6 billion to bolster U.S. leadership in addressing global health and health security challenges, a $1.4 billion increase above the 2021 enacted level. Within this total, the Budget dem­onstrates U.S. leadership by supporting a $2 bil­lion contribution to the Global Fund’s seventh re­plenishment, for an intended pledge of $6 billion over three years, to save lives and continue the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malar­ia, and to support the Global Fund’s expanding response to the COVID-19 pandemic and global health strengthening. This total also includes $1 billion to prevent, prepare for, and respond to future infectious disease outbreaks, including the continued expansion of Global Health Security Agenda capacity-building programs and a multi­lateral financial intermediary fund for health se­curity and pandemic preparedness. The Budget also invests in the global health workforce and systems to enhance countries’ abilities to provide core health services, improve health systems re­siliency, and respond to crises while mitigating the impacts of crises on routine health servic­es. In addition, the Budget includes $6.5 bil­lion in mandatory funding for the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development over five years to make transfor­mative investments in pandemic and other bio­logical threat preparedness globally in support of U.S. biodefense and pandemic preparedness strategies and plans. This pandemic prepared­ness funding would strengthen the global health workforce, support pandemic preparedness re­search and development (R&D), advance global R&D capacity, and support health security capac­ity and financing to prevent, detect, and respond to future COVID-19 variants and other infectious disease outbreaks.
  • Advance Equity and Equality Globally. The Budget provides $2.6 billion to advance gen­der equity and equality across a broad range of sectors. This includes $200 million for the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund to advance the economic security of women and girls. This total also includes funding to strengthen the participa­tion of women in conflict prevention, resolution, and recovery through the implementation of the Women, Peace, and Security Act of 2017.
  • Continue Collaborative U.S. Leadership in Central America and Haiti. As part of a comprehensive strategy to drive systemic reform while addressing the root causes of irregular migration from Central America to the United States, the Budget invests $987 million in the re­gion to continue meeting the President’s four-year commitment of $4 billion. Further, in response to deteriorating conditions and widespread vio­lence in Haiti, the Budget invests $275 million to strengthen Haiti’s recovery from political and economic shocks, such as strengthening the ca­pacity of the Haitian National Police, combating corruption, strengthening the capacity of civil so­ciety, and support services for marginalized pop­ulations. These investments would ensure that the United States is able to revitalize partner­ships that build economic resilience, democratic stability, and citizen security in the region.
  • Advances the President’s Historic Climate Finance Pledge.  The Budget includes over $11 billion in international climate finance, meeting the President’s pledge to quadruple international climate finance, a year early.  This includes $5.3 billion in appropriations, including a $1.6 billion contribution to the Green Climate Fund, a critical multilateral tool for financing climate adaptation and mitigation projects in developing countries.  The U.S. international climate assistance and financing would:  accelerate the global energy transition to net zero emissions by 2050; help developing countries build resilience to the growing impacts of climate change, including through the President’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience and other programs; and support the implementation of the President’s Plan to Conserve Global Forests–while increasing energy independence by decreasing reliance on producers of non-renewable resources.


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