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Nominations Accepted Until May 19

To the dedicated and hard-working employees of the Federal Government:

When President Biden signed his historic Executive Order 14057 on Federal Sustainability and issued the Federal Government’s Sustainability Plan in December 2021, he put the Federal Government on track to achieve net zero emissions for all Federal operations by 2050. The President’s goal was purposely bold and ambitious. Through it, President Biden signaled to the world that the Federal Government will lead by example to tackle the climate crisis by sustainably managing our 300,000 buildings, over 600,000 vehicles, and $650 billion spent annually on goods and services.

To accomplish this goal, we are transforming how agencies build, buy, and manage as we transition to zero-emissions vehicles and buildings powered by carbon pollution-free electricity. And, our success with making this once-in-a-generation transformation depends on YOU.

What I’ve seen over the past year since the Federal Sustainability Plan was issued gives me confidence that we are meeting the President’s goal. Across the board, Federal employees are stepping up and demonstrating how to lead by example. For example, in 2022, agencies achieved a record five-fold increase in light-duty zero-emission vehicle purchases from the previous year. This achievement was driven by dedicated public servants who took extraordinary steps to convene, coordinate, act and deliver for the American taxpayer and citizen. Through YOUR leadership, we are achieving lower costs, cleaner air, and a more competitive economy. And, this is just the beginning.

That’s why we are excited to announce that the Biden-Harris Administration is launching the Presidential Federal Sustainability Awards Program. Through this annual awards program, we will celebrate the extraordinary leadership, innovation, and achievement of Federal agencies and their employees in making progress on implementation of Executive Order 14057 and the Federal Sustainability Plan. Agencies may nominate federal programs, projects, project teams, facilities, and individuals for an award through May 19, 2023.

I look forward to seeing the 2023 Presidential Federal Sustainability Award nominations roll in and recognizing your hard-earned accomplishments during an awards ceremony this fall.

To learn more about the awards program, see award categories, and submit a nomination, visit

Andrew Mayock, CEQ Federal Chief Sustainability Officer

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