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After hearing from environmental justice leaders, community-based organizations, allied groups, and members of the public from across the country, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) have extended the public comment period on the first version of the Environmental Justice Scorecard. The current 60-day public comment period will be extended for 30 days from October 3, 2022 until November 3, 2022. A notice of this extension will appear in the Federal Register.

In the Request for Information (RFI), the White House is seeking public input on the vision, framework, and outcomes for the first version of the Environmental Justice Scorecard. This RFI was informed by an initial set of recommendations that the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC) provided earlier this year.

The first version of the Scorecard will provide a baseline assessment of the Federal Government’s efforts to secure environmental justice for all. It will describe the progress and activities that Federal agencies have undertaken, including new processes, since 2021. The Environmental Justice Scorecard will be updated regularly, and the Federal Government will build on and improve the Scorecard, year after year.

As the White House develops future versions of the Scorecard, it will continue to provide opportunities for the WHEJAC, environmental justice stakeholders, and the public to provide recommendations, including on metrics and indicators, to help assess the Federal Government’s efforts on advancing environmental justice for all.

The public can continue to submit comments on the vision, framework, and outcomes of the Environmental Justice Scorecard until Thursday, November 3, 2022.


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