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After hearing from environmental justice leaders, community-based organizations and allied groups, and members of the public from across the country, CEQ has extended the public comment period on the beta version of the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST). The current 60-day public comment period will be extended for 30 days from April 25 until May 25. A notice of this extension will appear in the Federal Register on Monday, April 25, 2022.  

CEQ launched the tool in a beta version so that we could solicit feedback from the public and Tribal Nations, and update the tool to ensure it reflects the environmental and climate challenges and realities that communities are experiencing. Since launching the tool, we have heard from environmental justice advocates and community members who would like more time to engage with the current version of the tool and provide comment during this beta phase. As part of President Biden and Vice President Harris’ commitment to elevate the voices of impacted communities and embed environmental justice into Federal decision-making, CEQ is extending the comment period on the beta version of the tool. Following the beta phase, CEQ will continue to welcome input on the tool, and update the tool based on feedback and as new datasets and research become available.

CEQ remains deeply committed to advancing the President’s historic environmental justice commitments, including the development of the CEJST, and the work to meet these goals is ongoing. As part of this work, Federal agencies are advancing and implementing the Justice40 Initiative right now, including through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which included historic levels of investments in environmental justice. CEQ will never stop working to deliver on the President’s promise of a healthy and safe environment for all.


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