Issue Briefs
Assessing Methods to Integrate the Physical Risks and Transition Risks and Opportunities of Climate Change into the President’s Macroeconomic Forecast
The Economics of Administration Action on Student Debt
The Price Isn’t Right: How Junk Fees Cost Consumers and Undermine Competition
Valuing the Future: Revision to the Social Discount Rate Means Appropriately Assessing Benefits and Costs
Issue Brief: The Benefits of SAVE
“Weathering the Storm”: Federal Efforts Helped Bolster U.S. Education Standing Among Peer Nations
Issue Brief: Supply Chain Resilience
Protecting Competition Through Updated Merger Guidelines
The CEA outlines the economic evidence underpinning the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission’s updated draft of the Merger Guidelines released for public comment.
The Economics of Demand-Side Support for the Department of Energy’s Clean Hydrogen Hubs
Demand-side support can complement supply-side investments in clean energy industries, such as the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs program.