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The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) is currently recruiting Senior Economists for the 2024 academic year. Senior Economists have a Ph.D. in economics and are typically on leave from positions at universities, government agencies, or research organizations. Excellent research and analysis skills and strong presentation skills are needed. Senior Economists participate actively in the policy process, represent the CEA in interagency meetings, and have primary responsibility for the economic analysis and reports prepared by the Council. Senior economists work with staff economists (on-leave Ph.D. students) and Research Assistants (recent college graduates) in addition to the Chair, Members, and Front Office team. Depending on the needs in a given year, the CEA draws on specialties across a wide range of economic fields.

Most Senior Economists work at the Council beginning in the summer and stay for a full academic year. CEA staff members must be U.S. citizens, although can hold dual citizenship.

If you are interested in applying for these positions, please send your C.V. by email to:

President’s Council of Economic Advisers

Application Deadline:  Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

The United States Government does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability and genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factor.

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