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Following the President’s signing into law of S. 870, which included the Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy (ADVANCE) Act, National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi released the following statement:

“Today, President Biden signed into law the ADVANCE Act, a significant, bipartisan win for American innovation, our energy security, and the necessary work of achieving economy-wide, net-zero emissions by 2050. This law strengthens our nation’s leadership in civilian nuclear energy and accelerates the deployment of those technologies by providing extra resources and authorities to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, without diminishing the utmost importance of the Commission’s work to protect people, communities, and the environment. The enactment of the ADVANCE Act builds on the historic track record that the Biden-Harris Administration has already established, delivering results and taking action to deploy of carbon-free energy to meet the needs of a growing economy propelled by President’s Investing in America agenda.

“The law better equips the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to license new reactor designs by giving the agency more resources to hire and retain the strong scientific and engineering talent needed to vigorously carry out its mission. The ADVANCE Act empowers the Commission to better advocate for American nuclear energy in international venues, enlists the Commission in the revitalization of retired fossil and brownfield sites, and codifies the timely and efficient licensing of nuclear power as an agency priority. The Act builds on President Biden’s success in restoring U.S. climate and clean energy leadership on the global stage, bringing climate jobs and economic opportunity to communities that have been left out and left behind, and working aggressively to improve the predictability and efficiency of permitting.   

“From Day One, President Biden has taken historic steps to keep existing nuclear plants from shutting down, restart previously shuttered nuclear plants, and bring new reactors online. The results are visible across the country – more clean power and more union jobs.  Under the President’s leadership, we are also reinvigorating the development of a U.S. fuel supply chain while restricting import of Russian uranium. These historic steps recognize that responsible deployment, rigorous regulation, and revved up innovation are key to strengthening our national security, tackling the climate crisis, and growing America’s economy.”


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