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Jill and I join Canada in grieving the loss of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.

A tireless advocate for Canada, Mulroney worked with President Reagan to advance the Acid Rain Treaty, which has helped protect our waterways, and negotiated the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement. To guard our shared borders from defense threats, Mulroney signed the modern North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) agreement.  Mulroney was fearless and not afraid to stand up for causes he cared about like advocating against racial apartheid in South Africa.

I got to know the prime minister when I served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. I saw firsthand his commitment to the friendship between our two nations, as well as his abiding love for Canada and its people. Jill and I send our deepest condolences to former First Lady Mila Mulroney, their four children, his family, and all those mourning his loss.


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