Statement from CEA Chair Cecilia Rouse on the Economic Report of the President
Today, I am pleased to announce that the Council of Economic Advisers has released the 2023 Economic Report of the President, which includes the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers. This Report demonstrates the robust economic progress we have made over the past year, and makes the case for the Administration’s economic policy priorities.
The Report presents President Biden’s statement about our economic progress and challenges, and follows with nine in-depth chapters.
The Economic Report of the President
Chapter 1: Pursuing Growth-Enhancing Policies in Today’s Changing World
Chapter 2: The Year in Review and the Years Ahead
Chapter 3: Confronting New Global Challenges with Strong International Economic Partnerships
Chapter 4: Investing in Young Children’s Care and Education
Chapter 5: Building Stronger Postsecondary Institutions
Chapter 6: Supply Challenges in U.S. Labor Markets
Chapter 7: Competition in the Digital Economy: New Technologies, Old Economics
Chapter 8: Digital Assets: Relearning Economic Principles
Chapter 9: Opportunities for Better Managing Weather Risk in the Changing Climate
To view the Report, visit: /wp-content/uploads/2023/03/ERP-2023.pdf