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We applaud today’s announcement by the Governors of New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Connecticut that the states’ law enforcement agencies will share crime gun data across state lines to bolster law enforcement operations and improve public safety. This data-sharing agreement recognizes the reality that firearms cross state lines, and we therefore need a multijurisdictional approach to tackling gun violence.
President Biden shares these Governors’ commitment to cross-state collaboration to tackle the gun violence public health epidemic. In support of the President Biden‘s comprehensive strategy to combat the epidemic of gun crime, and as a further concrete step to implement the Department’s Comprehensive Violent Crime Reduction Strategy, the Justice Department launched 5 multijurisdictional firearms trafficking strike forces focused on addressing significant firearms trafficking corridors that have diverted guns to New York and four other major United States cities.
We encourage other state and local officials to follow these Governors’ lead and collaborate to reduce our shared challenge of gun violence.


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